in Journal

Everything is a miracle

Albert Einstein said: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

If you look around, you will find many miracles. Start paying attention to small things, and you will begin to experience the world in a new way. I was having dinner, and told myself that the food was tasty. And believe me, it tasted better than usual. I was walking down the road and decided to keep a smiling face. And I felt happy myself. I wondered about the abundance the sky denotes while on my morning walk, and felt it was miraculous how things work in the world! I have started looking at the miracles in things around. And I have started appreciating them. It just makes me feel much happier and content.

My interpretation of Einstien’s quote is that if you make a shift in the perspective, you will start appreciating their beauty and even harness your curiosity.

Try this out! Tell me how it works for you!

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