in Technology

Article about Zend Certified Engineer

Sys Con has a a very thorough article about the Zend Certified Engineer program. I learnt many good things about the ZCE there, and a few things we can consider for OpenCerti.

– One comment said it’s just a single test. So do we need multiple tests?
– Another said developers user PEAR etc too. So our test should consider them. Not just pure PHP.
– They have one word answers too. Like function names. We can incorporate this too.
– They also have multiple choices in a question. We could do this too.

Also, one thing I noticed on W3Schools was the mention of a supervisor! I think it would be great to have a supervisor with the person who is taking the test. This increases the credibility tremendously! The only question is, what about the initial few supervisors?

Looks like I am getting more ideas on this! ZCE was launched at OSCON. Can we launch OpenCerti at some upcoming conference? They also carry out paper based tests at conferences. It would be super duper to do OpenCerti paper based tests at conferences. LPI too does this!

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