in Journal

Being trustworthy and making a difference

How does it feel when you realize that people trust you?
It was a humbling experience for me! I created the possibility of trust and freedom in my Landmark Advanced course and here I was stunned by the trust people put in me.

After completing the four days of the advanced course, I was in the office on Monday. We have a joint meeting for all MagNeteers on Mondays. That day, I spoke about the results I experienced in my life because of Landmark and how I was sure that the course would make a huge difference in each MagNeteer’s life. There was a good amount of discussion and debate about how such workshops do not work, how people know all that they need to make their lives better, and how people are happy with what they have. I maintained my stand!

Tuesday evening is the completion evening for the course. You can invite your guests on that day so that they can also get a taste of the work of Landmark and can register for the course if they like. I had invited everybody in the office on Monday and was out on meetings for the whole of Tuesday.

I expected a few people to turn up for the evening session. Well, five turned up! And after the session, four of them registered too! When I asked them why did they register, there came the answer: Because you said it will help me! And when you recommend something, I am sure it will be good for me.

Of course they saw value for themselves in the course, were impressed by the treatment they got as guests that evening. What touched me the most, was the trust they put in me.

It was a small incident, but I realized how much people value relations, and how important trust is, even for near strangers. I felt honored and elated by seeing my possibility be reality!

And how does it feel when they tell you that you made a difference in their life?
Two of the friends who registered for Landmark Forum, are completing their course today. When I met them on Sunday, I had another insightful high moment in the waiting.

Manick recently left Magnet, but had registered for the Landmark Forum. Manick and Rashmi are engaged. I hadn’t met Rashmi before that Tuesday evening. And last Sunday, in the Forum, Rashmi tells me: You didn’t know me and neither did I. But you got us here and this work made a huge difference in my life. Thank you.. I was happy that both of them got tremendous value out of the course.

What I also realized was the immense satisfaction of making a difference in somebody’s life. My commitment towards trust and freedom is getting stronger everyday!

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