Take a Pit Stop, You Need It
I am bogged down. Got hundreds of things to do. I feel caught up in responsibilities and my own expectations. I need a break. Need a pit stop!
My mind is full of pending items, guilt and worries. I keep moving from one task to another. Fixing one problem and then to another. My mind wandering around something else in between. I don’t like doing a lot of things on my list and resist them.
So here’s what I am going to do this weekend.
Go for a walk
I meet two friends every Sunday morning. We talk about life and how to go beyond our stops. This time, we will go for a walk together instead of meeting at his office. Serves two purposes for me 😉
Do 10 Surya Namaskar & Meditate
Been a long time I did them. Doing 10 Surya Namaskars always gave me a fresh start for the day. I am going to do that this weekend. And I want to just sit quietly and observe my thoughts. Not resist them, not negate them, not worry. Just accept whatever comes to my mind! And I will finish it by pondering over what I am grateful for in my life.
Create my Project Satisfaction – Weekly Review Matrix
Ok, I coined that term! Essentially, I want to make a list of life areas (business, personal, family, society, friends, money etc) and current projects in each area. This will be the first column. Columns on right will be weeks. Every week, I will give a satisfaction rating on each project – satisfied, neutral, not satisfied. This will give me an overview of where I am!
Review my Passion List
I have a list of what I am passionate about, what I want to contribute to the world. This is another weekend to get back in touch with my passions!
Watch a movie with family
Will grab the TV remote this Saturday night and watch a movie with family. Anything works as long as we enjoy it together.
Choose 5 things from my todo list, and complete them
I will also pick 5 things from my list of pending items (related to work / business) and complete them over the weekend. Nothing satisfies me more than completing things!
Read a book
Will pick up a book I am reading and complete a chapter!
Revelation begins by getting present…
While I made this list of what I am going to do this weekend, I realized I added another list of items to my already long pending todo-list! I can see it’s my pattern to start a lot of things, go from one to another. Complete many items in between and keep feeling sad about stuff I don’t complete.
I will tell you what happens after the weekend 😉
And by the way, how many items do you want to pick up for your weekend?
Photo courtesy: sidehike
‘Movie with Family’ is the best option. I do it at regular interval even we are 3 only 🙂
Add pop-corn (ready-to-made is available, fresh and testy), Pepsi/Coke and you will feel same as in cinema!