in Journal

Communication Workshops – Experiences and Learning

We carried out a series of workshops to improve communication skills of Magneteers recently. Many people had reservations about their public speaking abilities, some were not confident, some had a fear of English language and a few were weak in English grammar.

I will be writing a series on this. The following are the 5 topics:

  1. Oral Communication: Elocution, Tips, Results
  2. Creating the future: breakthrough results by living back from the future
  3. Accent improvement exercises
  4. Written Communication: Methodology, Tests and Results
  5. Secondary benefits of the workshops

The motivation to do this workshop was to get some breakthrough results in communication skills. I wanted to do something that would generate immediate and effective results like the Landmark Forum. The workshops were highly effective and I believe we achieved the objective!

Comments welcome!

PS: 2005/11/06 – Added links for the posts to this.

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