in Technology

Glancer source code available

I have collected Glancer files and put them up for download. You can get the full source code from Note that this is still beta, no documentation is available and no guranttees are given 🙂

For all the delegates of Foss.In who had trouble accessing Glancer on Foss.In, you should be able to access it now. We have sync’d the latest delegate data.

Contributors welcome! Feedback welcome!

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  1. Can you release source code as Windows package?
    Yeah, I am sorry, I am at Windows, but I very curious to see more “real” Laszlo base LZX code

  2. You can use WinRAR or any similar utility (WinZip will do too) to extract the files on Windows. They should work without a problem.

    You will need Apache/PHP/MySQL/OpenLaszlo setup on Windows.

    This shouldn’t be a problem. I developed a lot of Glancer on a Windows machine and it works well.

  3. It is not a problem, we digested your sources at Windoze now 🙂

    I think, it is kinda become spagetti code if you mix the LZX code and XML markup and there is no software framework available for Laszlo yet.

    Laszlo is free, support for Laszlo is expensive.
    Flex is expensive, support for Flex is free 🙂

    Me and my team share your ideas about building RIA using Flash technology to use its expresiveness and wide adoption.

    I hope, we will release something public soon. Stay tuned if you are interested in RIA built with a help of Macromedia Flex.

  4. It’s spaghetti code mixing MXML and ActionScript too 😉 But I agree that some kind of framework is needed. I implemented a tiny “controller” type mechanism in Glancer. But something better should be created. Is somebody in the Laszlo community listening? I am willing to chip in if there are others!

    My experience with Laszlo support has been fairly good though. I have not really tried mailing list, but I posted a bug (as a matter of fact, I wrote about it on this blog, and they read it and requested to post a bug) and they have solved it now. I know there is strong Flex community out there. We also do Flex. Both have pros and cons.

    I would be glad to see your work. Visited your blog, but couldn’t find much!

  5. Yes, I want to.. But don’t know how! Too lazy to read the docs. Will have to catch hold of Kartik to show me how! is already there…

  6. We work undercover, but may be sometime we will release some screnshots prior to the release or may be even more will open source our software framework we use to code in Flex.

    We *do* clearly seperate MXML markup and AS classes, our framework is influenced by Cairngorm framework and the experience of our Java guys who find it very easy to code in ActionScript.

  7. Great! We are still learning about Flex frameworks! Currently sorting out through some Flex 2 alpha bugs 😉

    I am looking forward to seeing your work!