in Ideas Worth Sharing, Technology

Guide to technical writing

Writing is one of my passions. I actually started as the founder editor of India’s first ezine – MagNet (which we later converted to a software company!) Most of the people write really bad emails, let alone technical documentation, articles or reports. It’s not just the English usage, it’s not just the punctuation but it’s much more.

I was talking to someone about technical writing. Wanted to suggest some resources so that he can polish his writing style and be ready for bigger assignments. A little bit of web surfing opened may doors. If you are interested in writing, planning to write an article, or dream of authoring a book, I strongly recommend going through these resources.

I guess I too have a lot of reading to do next 😉

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  1. hey that piece of information looks really helpfull, specially when somebody like me aspires to write but feels handicapped without the basics.Will defntly have my hands on one of those.Thanks.

  2. This is really help ful for me.
    I too bad in writing specially email and general writing in english.
    Thank you,

  3. Good list of resources. I’ve got a few more at my website, but here’s my number one beef with bad technical writing:

    Make sure what you’re saying is relevant. Are you helping the user get anywhere, or filling the page with repetitive verbiage?

    Manuals should be as short as possible, and have real information to offer. The worst mistake is to make tautological text:

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