in Technology

Heard about Chumby?

Did you hear about Chumby? The new cute name on the web, that can display your flickr photos, eBay auctions, play iPod, ring an alarm and still work if it falls of your night stand? No? Then go read what Sujeet has to say about Chumby! He talks about Ambient Orb and Chumby, and how Chumby can be a great Christmas Gift (yeah, that had to come right?)

And by the way:

  • Chumby is based on Linux. And a most of it is open source – including the hardware!
  • A lot of the frontend is in Flash.
  • You can develop widgets for it!
  • It costs about $180

Ok, and if you can’t wait to see it, here’s a Chumby!
Chumby - your new friend

Thanks to Sujeet for the wonderful catch!