in Ideas Worth Sharing

SharpDevelop and dissecting it

SharpDevelop is an open source IDE for .Net. It allows you to create desktop and web applications in C# and VB.Net. The Beta of SharpDevelop 2 is now available and it support .Net 2.0 too.

The interface is very similar to Visual Studio, and I recommend you to try out SharpDevelop 2.0. If you want to be sure before you try, take this quick feature tour!

Another thing:

APress, a technical books publisher, has put up a few books for free download. They are PDF books and you can easily download them.

The one that looked most interesting to me was “Dissecting a C# Application: Inside SharpDevelop”. This book takes a peek inside how SharpDevelop works. The book is a bit advanced level, but a great resource to learn things! Published in 2004, it is still relevant. And the best thing I like about this book is the coding advice it provides!

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  1. thanks buddy for the books!! can u plz mail me some of the websites, when i can get some free online resources on and c#