Congratulations Anil! Anil Gupta, our PHP Team Leader in Ahmedabad, is now a Zend Certified Engineer. Congratulations Anil! We are very happy for you!
Opensource CMS book, PlannerX and Year End These are the things on my mind right now! Finished writing Open Source CMS book. Submitted revisions to first drafts. Pre finals will be ready soon and book will be out in April. PlannerX is getting some good reviews. Especially ActiveCollab community (where it’s not yet launched) “loved it” – and I heard it from […]
Picture Puzzle – an iPhone application turned to Mac app because of delays from Apple We applied for an iPhone developers account at start of December. It’s been about 3 months now, and we have not yet got the Developers Account despite sending all documents and repeated followups. We have 4 iPhone products ready to deploy, but our hands are tied because we don’t yet have a developer’s account. We […]
The Money Masters – How International Bankers Gained Control of America If the post about increasing spending, rather than saving intrigue / upset you, here’s something more! A theory says that international bankers control almost all of the cash in the world. They have control over printing currency and the flow of money that circulates in the economy. And they have been controlling it for over […]
Reports module for activeCollab launched Our new venture – Apps Magnet – released its first product – Reports module for activeCollab today. Here’s a brief! Do you want to track progress of your projects week by week? Would you like a dashboard that shows you this progress graphically, for all projects from a single screen? Would you like to track […]