Saturday Blast, again! We had a Saturday full of fun in 2005. And then it was time to have another one. Saturday Blast 2006 – 30 December 2006 – was a synonym for frolic, craziness and full dhamaal! I am posting this very late, so excuse me on that. By 9.30 in the morning, everyone was being stamped! […]
Hacked! Somebody played a little hacking trick on me the other day. He used some WordPress SQL injection vulnerability and changed the title of the blog! It was interesting to see this. I actually liked his efforts. Cleaning up the thing was not difficult and thankfully we did not have any left overs! WP is now […]
Magnet HackFest01 Report And it is over! We completed Magnet’s first HackFest at 5pm today. A bunch of hackers came together on 23rd December at 5pm, and hacked internals of systems, coded cool ideas, researched on future trends, watched movies, ate pizzas and vada pavs, goofed around, and had a tremendous experience in 24 hours. As I already […]
What are we doing this weekend – hacking! Kartik, Naveen and Ameya have organized Magnet’s first HackFest this weekend. Eight of us are here, ready to hack, and stuff our stomachs with pizzas and pesticides (err.. Coke). We already have some stuff going on. Participants so far are: Kartik, Naveen, Ameya, Vishal, Vinay, Mohan, Arun & Me. Kartik kicked off the HackFest and […]
Trouble with servers We have a few dedicated servers with EV1. It’s been good so far, but we faced just too many problems in the last month. So much that we are thinking of dumping them. We detected bad sectors on one server’s harddisk. Since we had a backup harddisk on the server, we asked the server guys […]