in Business & Leadership

Training Yourself To Be A Leader

Some notes from today’s Team Leader Training in Magnet. The topic was how can we train ourselves to be leaders.

  • Leadership = People around you producing expanding results.
  • First step is taking responsibility. Responsibility = Ability to Respond. You have ability to respond to any situation, any person. Responsibility is not a burden. It’s a grace you give yourself.
  • How do we listen to our people? People show up as we listen to them. If I listen to someone as a loser, he will always do things like a loser. Are we listening to our people as if they are leaders?
  • Be a lifelong student. This does not come easily, you have to practice and allocate time to learn. Not just to learn technical skills, but also leadership.
  • Keep your battery charged! Disempowering conversations drain your energy. Replace them with thoughts that give you energy.

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