Funny how the most obvious things are often hardest to see. For some, a quick reality check about how much they like themselves might be in order before they engage a prospective client/customer/backer, etc.
I know some brilliant and creative people who don’t seem to like themselves much (at times), who engage other people around possible business deals. Then they wonder why this deal or that transaction went south. Love thyself first!
i quite dissagree~~~that like niching your market for no reasons~~~not what a pure bred business man should do~~~thats just reducing profits for no reasons~~
Funny how the most obvious things are often hardest to see. For some, a quick reality check about how much they like themselves might be in order before they engage a prospective client/customer/backer, etc.
I know some brilliant and creative people who don’t seem to like themselves much (at times), who engage other people around possible business deals. Then they wonder why this deal or that transaction went south. Love thyself first!
i quite dissagree~~~that like niching your market for no reasons~~~not what a pure bred business man should do~~~thats just reducing profits for no reasons~~